A Mainet node is connected to the LACChain Mainet network, when you join this network you are participating as a writer node, your transactions will be seen by other users of the mainnet network, this environment will allow you to put your projects in production.
Currently there are 4 ways to deploy or use a Mainet Node:
Deploy with Kubernetes
Deploy with Ansible Using Ansible Script
Deploy with Cloud Marketplaces (contact [email protected])
Use node as a service (comming soon...)
If you are looking to deploy a local node for development refer to this documentation
If you are looking to deploy a Testnet node refer to this documentation
Comming soon.
Here you will find instructions for the deployment Mainet Node using Ansible. By following this guide, your nodes will be executed from your local machine on your remote server. Your local machine and your remote server will communicate via ssh. The installation with ansible provided is compatible with Ubuntu, Centos7 and Centos8 stream.
During the process of node deploying, you will be asked about the network in which you would like to deploy your nodes. In order for your node to get permissioned, you need to complete the permissioning process first. In order to understand better what are the types of networks available and the permissioning processes for each network, please read permissioning process.
4 vCPUs compute optimized 4 vCPUs compute optimized 2 vCPUs
16 GB RAM Memory
375 GB SSD Hard Disk
Operating System: 64 bits - Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04, Centos7, Centos8
It is necessary to enable the following network ports in the machine in which we are going to deploy the node:
Port 60606: TCP/UDP
To establish communication p2p between nodes.
Port 4545: TCP
To establish RPC communication. (this port is used for applications that communicate with the node and may be leaked to the Internet)
For this installation we will use Ansible. It is necessary to install Ansible on a local machine that will perform the installation of the node on a remote machine. Follow these instructions to install ansible in your local machine:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ansible
To configure and install a LACChain node, you must clone this git repository in your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/LACNet-Networks/besu-networks
cd besu-networks/
Obtain SSH access to your remote machine
Make sure you have SSH access to the remote machine where you are going to deploy the LACChain node. This step will vary depending on your context (physical machine, cloud provider, etc.). This document assumes that you are able to log into your remote machine using the following command:
ssh remote_user@remote_host
Preparing installation of a new node
There are three types of LACChain nodes (validator, bootnode, and writer) that can be created in the LACChain networks orchestrated by LACNet at this moment. After cloning the repository in your local machine, create a copy of the “inventory.example" file and save it as “inventory". Edit this file to add a line for the remote server where you are creating the new node. You can do it with a graphical tool or inside the shell.
cd besu-networks/
cp inventory.example inventory
vi inventory
[node] node_ip=your.public.node.ip node_name=my_node_name node_email=your@email
Place the new line below the [node] line. Do not replace existing lines.
The first element on the new line is the IP or hostname where you can reach your remote machine from your local machine.
The value of node_name is the name you want for your node in the network monitoring tool.
The value of node_email is the email address you want to register for your node in the network monitoring tool. It’s a good idea to provide the e-mail of the technical contact provided as part of the on-boarding process.
Run the following script:
ansible-playbook -i inventory --private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa -u remote_user site-lacchain-node.yml
You need to choose "writer" node and "open-protestnet"
Please, choose which type of node are you deploying:
"type 2"
[2]:legacy-protestnet (DEPRECATED)
Please, choose in which network are you deploying:
"type 0"
Don’t forget to write down your node’s “enode”. Remember that you need to provide the enode to be permissioned as indicated in the permissioning process.
TASK [lacchain-validator-node : print enode key] *********************************************** ok: [x.x.x.x] => { "msg": "enode://cb24877f329e0e3fff6c7d7b88d601b698a9df6efbe1d91ce77130f065342b523418b38cb3c92ea3bcca15344e68c7d85a696eb9f8c0152c51b9b7b74729064e@a.b.c.d:60606" }
Also as part of the permissioning process, we need you to provide us your node address. Please get it by executing the following:
cd /root/lacchain/data
cat nodeAddress
At the end of the installation, if everything worked a BESU service will be created managed by Systemctl with started status. After the installation has finished, you will have nginx installed on each instance chosen; it will be up and running and will allow secure and encrypted RPC connections (on the default 443 port). Certificates used to create the secure connections are self-signed; it is up to you decide another way to secure RPC connections or continue using the provided default service. Once you are permissioned, you can verify that you are connected to other nodes in the network by following the steps detailed in #issue33.
Configuring the Besu node file
The default configuration should work for everyone. However, depending on your needs and technical knowledge you can modify your local node’s settings in /root/lacchain/config.toml, e.g. for RPC access or authentication. Please refer to the reference documentation.
Once your node is ready, you can start it up with this command in remote machine:
<remote_machine>$ service pantheon start
If you need to restart the services, you can execute the following commands:
<remote_machine>$ service pantheon restart
To update your node, first change the inventory file. Replace the ip address with your node ip address. :
[node] #here put the role you are going to update
Optionally you can choose the sha_commit of the version you want to update. It is only needed to specify the version:
[node] #here put the role you are gong to update besu_release_version='22.1.0'
Current Besu versions of LACChain nodes orchestrated by LACNet are obtained from here. Tested BESU versions are 21.1.6, 20.10.4, 1.5.3, 1.5.2, 1.4.4, 1.3.6.
Execute the following command to update the node:
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory --private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa -u remote_user site-lacchain-update-
Checking your connection
Once you have been permissioned, you can check if your node is connected to the network properly. Check that the node has stablished the connections with the peers:
sudo -i
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"net_peerCount","params":[],"id":1}' localhost:4545
You should get a result like this:
Now you can check if the node is syncing blocks by getting the log of the last 100 blocks:
tail -100 /root/lacchain/logs/pantheon_info.log
You should get something like this:
If any of these two checks doesn’t work, try to restart the besu service:
service pantheon restart
If you have forgotten to write down your enode, you may get it, executing the following command:
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"net_enode","params":[],"id":1}' http://localhost:4545
To get your node address you may execute the following command:
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_coinbase","params":[],"id":53}'
If you find any issue, you can open an issue on Github and contact us at [email protected]. If you already have a membership, you can also open a ticket.
You can use the different automatic node deployment products provided by the best cloud providers on the market.
Choose your trusted cloud provider, and our infrastructure partners will be in charge of carrying out all the necessary configurations, so that you can have a functional node in the shortest time possible, consult with the support teams of each provider.
coming soon.
coming soon.
coming soon.
coming soon.
Comming soon
After you deploy a Mainet Node remember to permissioning your node
After the node permissioning you need to reboot your node